Lil b @ 2 months

@ 2 months 4 weeks 1 day

Little b’s milestones. This is like 4 weeks late.

We brought lil b for his vaccines on the 10 April. These were what was recorded:

Length: 63cm

Weight: 6.3kg

HC: 42cm

We were advised to feed lil b 2mls of Upthamol an hour before the scheduled vaccines – Rotateg (oral) and 6 in 1 1st dose (jab) for fear he may feel discomfort shortly after the jab. True enough, lil b developed a mild fever in the late afternoon so I fed him another dose of 2.5ml (now that he’s bigger) Upthamol. Besides spotting a fever, he was all his cheery self. No worries.

What we observed over the last 2 months +…

- still being breastfed and on formula (4oz).

- lil b is able to lift head up briefly when on tummy. However,  just like his kor kor, lil b dislikes tummy time. He would fuss each time I lay him on his tummy.

- he started drooling when he was about a month plus. These few weeks he started blowing bubbles. At times, he blew so much bubbles until he chokes on his own saliva.

- startles easily especially in the afternoon. That is why he is such a light sleeper. Eventhough I use a beanie on him, it doesn’t seem to help much. It’s just like walking on egg shells.

- he’s able to follow object when we pass the item across his face.

- he’s able to turn his head both sides.

- I like to believe he’s able to recognise and love the sound of me because each time I was nearby, he would readily attempt to turn and look at me.

- able to smile back when we make stupid funny faces or smile at him.

- coos a lot.

- able to respond by cooing when we talk to him. He can be really loud at that too.

- enjoys the cot mobile a lot (unlike his kor kor who never appreciated them).

- likes to stare at kor kor.

- likes to kick and moves his hands alot. It’s as if he never stops moving when he’s awake.

- last feed around 11pm, then 1am, 4am, 7am.  On lucky days, he’ll doze off around  9pm and wake up around 1am for his feeds, then 5am and 8am.

- doesn’t really have a fixed nap schedule yet. Usually he’ll go back to zzz-land after his 7am feed until about 11am. He’ll take another short nap in the afternoon around 3pm followed by 6pm nap. Really have work on a more preditable routine so I could gain more sanity.

- he’s starting to enjoy massage time

- He used to cry during sponging before bed time. The crying was particularly bad during his first – second month but that gradually faded away. I guess now he’s more aware and feel more secure of his surroundings.  When he’s hungry or sleepy he’ll move his hands and arms, coos a lot for attention. Only when we ignore him for like 15 - 30 minutes, he’ll cry. That’s how I get my extra beauty sleep in the morning. When he’s sleepy, he’ll cry with his eyes shut. 

Overall, lil b is a very cheery baby. Just like his kor kor, he seldom cry. I’m not even sure if I had heard him scream for attention. But on occasion when he does cry, he would purse his lips and his cries are usually accompanied by a lot of tears rolling down the otherwise cheeky cheeks.

Happy 2 months.

Daddy said lil b looked scared in the pic. Actually I believed he was kinda annoyed being jiggled around by kor kor who was evidently enjoying the opportunity to torture the lil bro. :P


7 thoughts on “Lil b @ 2 months”

  1. hehheehhe…what a cutie. love the photo. btw, it’s good that he’s on both breastmilk and powder milk. at least it would easier to wean him next time eh?

  2. Hahaha, I know how Ryan feels coz Lucas will be like that too! I really love seeing how the girl ‘adores’ the kor-kor by watching every one of his move.

    Watch out for the fun months when lil B (what’s his name?) gets bigger – he’ll actually try to play with the kor kor. Very cute one.

  3. wow.. so fast, 2 mths already…

    yes.. good if still can bf … kor kor is quite happy with the little brother oh…keke.. no show any jealous at all..

    think kor kor cannot wait for lil b to grow up faster so both of them can play :)

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