Category Archives: Lil B – 6 months

5th and 6th month update

@ 6 months 1 week

@ a few days shy of 6 months

@ a few days shy of 6 months

My dear lil b turned 6 months on 22nd July. He’s growing very well and hit all milestones timely. I’m so proud of my boy.

@ 5 month : 8.4kg weight, 45cm HC, 70cm length.

@ 6 months: 9kg weight, the rest unknown yet.  

Physical Dexterity

Lil b started rolling over on his left side first when he was 5 months. Shortly after, he mastered his newfound skill and is able to roll on both sides about 2 weeks shy of turning 6 months. Just like Ryan when he was around 6 months, lil b is into this half rolling position phase (lying on his sides) and would comfortably stay in position for a long time with one hand supporting, the other holding a teether, or simply shoved into his own mouth for a good yummylicious suck.

Little Buddha position

Little Buddha position

He can sit supported now. Still need a little help with the  balancing but at least during bath, he could use one hand to support himself while I held him on the other side. That makes the whole bath time so much easier and fun.

Lil b is also more mobile now. He’s able to move from one point to another by wriggling around. He would raise his bottom up, and dash to the front. He can also make a 360degree turn to the intended direction. He has no problem detecting direction of sound.


This month, lil b has developed this burst of awareness of his surroundings. He’s no longer the blur cat baby who sleeps all day knowing very little about his whereabout. While he seemed to be at ease at places he’s familiar with (our room and MahMah’s room), he showed no particular anxiety when brought to a new unfamiliar surrounding apart from the head busy turning left and right observing this new place he’s been brought into. He’s such a social butterly with no signs of stranger anxiety. So far he’s okay with anyone carrying him and definitely not a momma’s boy just yet at 6 months (unlike his kor kor who is already 4 yrs and 3 months).

Lil b gets exceptionally excited, almost hysterical when he sees the remote controls and our computer. He will dash forward, grab and attempt to put them in mouth. He likes to suck his own fingers, easily 3-4 fingers at a time.

Dashing to the computer

Dashed to the computer, ready to bite


Lil b has a very bad sleeping habit. While he could nap easily during the day, he has the tendency to sleep way past 11pm every night. Just last Saturday, hubby and I went for a friend’s Malay wedding dinner at Le Meridien. Just when I thought Malay style would end earlier, I was so wrong. The session ended at 11.3opm. We got home around 12am, lil b was still awake (kinda expected). Mil who babysat him told us lil b woke up from his usual nap at 9+/10pm. So at 12.30midnight, I tucked him in bed happily assuming we can all crashed from a tired’s day. At 1am, lil b decided he wasn’t ready for bed just yet. Hubby and I literally took turns to entertain the little fella until 3am. What a long day. We tried cutting down his day naps but unless it proved to be futile. I couldn’t imagine how I would have survived if I’m still a working mom.

So, here’s lil b’s sleep schedule:

0700              – Milk fix. He will coo a little, play on his own a bit while mommy continue her beauty sleep after getting Ryan ready for school. Lil b will continue his cooing and usually by the time I opened my eyes to check on him, he is already sleeping.
1100         -  Wake up. Bath and milk. After which I’ll get ready to pick Ryan from school at 11.45am. He finished at 12noon Monday – Friday.
1200        - Loida will usually sent me a sms notifying me lil b is asleep
1330        - Lil b is awake. He’ll take his cereal
1430       – Sleepy again and will need another nap.
1730       – Awake and ready  for more attention and play time.
1930       – Another nap.
2100      - Awake and play again.
0000/0030 - Calling it a day

Sometimes he will wake up at 5.30am for milk, but on many occassion he would just sleep through until 0700am for milk.


Finally after a month of constant salivating, cheek rashes, crankiness, I could finally feel his two lower central incisors, and one upper left incisor sprouting out. I guess we’ll be saying hello to each other pretty soon. :D


Lil b is almost weaned off BM. There are still a few bottles of EBM in the freezer. He started rejecting BM when he was 4 months plus. So I would have to mix with formula for him to drink. Like his kor kor he’s now on Isomil, 6 oz per feed, every 3 hours.

His hands will automatically be in position during feeding time

His hands will automatically be "in position" during feeding time

Lil b had his first solid on 23rd July. I made him 3 tsp of Nestle rice cereal mix with 1 scopp of Isomil. The first experience was pretty encouraging. Lil b willingly open his mouth wide when I direct the spoon to his mouth. Now he’s taking 5 tsp cereal with 1 scoop of Isomil. He began showing a lack of interest. Either he wasn’t hungry enough or he’s craving for more varieties.

First Solid

Enjoying Heinz Teething Rusk

Enjoying Heinz Teething Rusk

Kor Kor and Didi

Lil b loves hanging around near his korkor

Lil b loves hanging around near his korkor

This Saturday we’re bringing lil b to BabyLoft for his 3D hand feet sculpture. Time flies. Ryan did his when he was around 6 months (Little Prints).