Category Archives: Phone

I want a phone

Ryan @ 5 years 8 months



We have an old phone lying around the house. Out of the blue Ryan declared he is now the proud owner of the phone. Tonight he willingly gave me RM8.80 from his savings so I could get him a phone number (Hotlinks prepaid pack). Lately he’s into this ‘adult’ mode. He’s been observing what us, the adults do and possess. Eg. He no longer wants to use his kiddy bowl, he wants adult plate, adult cutleries. Few days back, he asked me if he could get a credit card. Then yesterday he asked me what age he could learn how to drive. He told me he wants to save enough money to buy a Proton. His dream cars are the Porsche, Lamborghini, Pagani Zonda but he knows he can’t afford, neither does his parents. So he settled with a Proton. (the most affordable car one can own I told him :P). Eversince he has been very calculative with his money. Not easy to squeeze money out from him. Reminds me how he innocently announced he will not celebrate Darren’s birthday after I told him to buy Didi a present. He was evidently upset. Told us he doesn’t like birthday celebration because it’s a waste of money. Told us on Darren’s birthday he will wake up early, wish Didi Happy Birthday and just watch TV. No presents. Basically no one could touch his money, in his own words ‘hard earned money’ (because we pay him when he does housework. To him, that is real hard work). Hahaha… So I guess for him to part with RM8.80 from his hard earned money speaks how desperate he is to be apart of this ‘adult’ world.., to own something each of us adult owns, yes? The crave for independence sure starts early.

My adult wannabe first born.. Love you lots <3 .

Phone Conversation

@ 29 months 4 weeks 1 day

A short clip of Ryan’s phone conversation with Daddy earlier.  I was about to tuck Ryan in bed when the call was made. I try to cultivate a habit for Ryan to wish everyone goodnight including Daddy even if he’s not home yet. Tonight was no exception. It’s always hilarious seeing his gestures when speaks on the phone. But tonight he was able to hold a conversation longer than I expected and it was so funny seeing him swapping phone from ear to ear as if he had spoken hours on the phone. He was telling his Daddy about the missing illuminated moon on the wall, daddy’s at work, that he must big hug kakak before bedtime (he usually hugs everyone goodnight, if Daddy is at home Daddy will even get an extra kiss, as for mommy, needless to elaborate. Heehee…), etc….. Only regret is I wasn’t able to capture the moment on a proper videocam/digicam. My phone was the most convenient recorder I could grab hold of at that spur of time. So hate the annoying buzzing sound in the background. Maybe it’s time for a new phone.. :P

Enjoy the clip … “Phone Conversation